Thursday, January 11, 2018

Adjusting to City Life {8 months in}

Thanks for all the comments and love from Monday's post. You all are so kind and supportive!

Since moving to Boston eight months ago I've come to appreciate a few things that I'd normally take for granted if I lived anywhere else.

Parking lots, little to no traffic, lines painted on roads...haha all things to do with cars and parking!

Living in a big city definitely has a learning curve and now I plan most of my outings on when the traffic is the lightest unlike how it used to be based on the boys' naps. I also have to take parking into consideration when planning our outings and if it's ever an issue we take the train.

I thought I had this city down and then it snowed a bunch and now I'm finding out how things work with snow lined streets. People save their parking spaces with cones and folding chairs once it snows (You don't want to mess with taking their spot from what I've been told!) and when there's no snow it's first come, first serve.

A couple other musts for city living are 1)Sound machines are our best friends for sleeping kids and 2) Food delivery companies save your life in the cold months when you don't want to leave the house to grocery shop!

Anytime I'm driving or riding the train I have to pinch myself because I still can't believe my home is Boston! Just the other day, my husband and I were talking about the events that led up to us coming here and there was definitely some divine intervention and we know that we are meant to be here!

Boston....We love you!

Linking up with Penny's Passion, Home of Malones, and Running with Spoons.

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