Dental School Life

Here's a breakdown of our four years of dental school. Feel free to ask us any questions about the application process, interviewing, school life, and applying for residency!

YEAR ONE 2013-2014: I worked two jobs during the last two years of my husband's bachelor's program, so comparatively I saw him a lot during his first year. He was mostly doing book work and would come home at normal times (between 5:30 and 6:00pm) each night. With it just being classes he was able to be home a couple of afternoons a week too. I also had Baby B during Christmas break of this year.

YEAR TWO 2014-2015: This is the year of tests at the school we are at! There are 30+ tests this year, which meant a lot of studying. He also had more clinical courses this year, which also means less time to study during school hours, so we saw him less.

YEAR THREE 2015-2016: There's a lot fewer tests, but more requirements to pass off in the clinic. If my husband was planning on doing General Dentistry then school would be 8:00 - 5:00 every day, but that isn't the case because he's wanting to do Oral Surgery. In August 2015, he took an entrance exam for the oral surgery residency but didn't do as well as he wanted so he's been studying like crazy to retake it this month. He also did an externship in December 2015 and has three more planned this year. With all of this extra stuff we haven't seen him a lot lately. It will all be worth it though!

YEAR FOUR 2016-2017: He ended up doing two externships this year, instead of the planned three because he replaced one of those with a dental mission trip to Jamaica. The dental school that he is in requires 12 external rotations your fourth year, so he was gone 12 different times for 3-4 days at a time to different free/reduced price clinics around the state. Then you add in the 12 interviews he went to for residency.....he was gone a lot the first half of this school year! Along with having a baby, our life was crazy and it didn't seem to slow down until a couple months ago.

He also had to take written and practical boards the second half of the year. It's all done with and everything is complete and passed! It definitely went by faster than I thought it would but slow during the harder times.

Dental School COMPLETE!!


  1. Lindsey, I just stumbled upon your blog while searching for posts by other wives of Dental Students! My husband is in his final year (final month actually!) of Dental School and I have been keeping a blog about our experiences. I've had the best time connecting with other wives all over the U.S. and would love if you would check it out!

    1. I'm so glad you found my blog! I can't wait to check out yours and read about your dental school experience! And Congratulations! That's so exciting, I'm sure it's a huge relief it's over!:)


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