
Friday, April 20, 2018

Links I Love {36}

Dress: Old (similar, similar)
Jean Jacket:Old (similar)

The past two weeks have been full of family time, sightseeing in NYC and Boston, and not sticking to a schedule! It's been great!

We are FINALLY getting blossoms on trees and it makes me so happy! Hopefully the weather will start feeling like spring as well!

ONE // I'm thinking of making this chore chart for B. Just so he can be more accountable for doing his jobs!

TWO // I read this article on mentally strong people and I think it's a great read for everyone!

THREE // This dress and this one are so cute and springy!

FOUR // I've been looking for a swimsuit cover up and I think a romper like this is a great option!

FIVE // There are constantly shoes by our front door and I think this might be the perfect solution to the problem!

Happy Friday!

This post is a collaboration with White Mountain Shoes. All thoughts and opinions are my own!
Photos by Kristina Sponseller
Linking up with.....Friday Favorites,  High Five for Friday

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