
Monday, October 30, 2017

Fall Momiform + Real Life

Floral Sweater- Old 
Gray Sweater- Primark (Similar)
Jeans- Kohl's
Booties- Kohl's

Last week Baby E turned one and we had family in town! It was a busy and fun week!

Life is crazy and it just keeps on going! I'm realizing that you can keep on waiting for it to slow down or get on board and enjoy the crazy ride! Even though we don't see my husband for more than a few hours every week, I'm loving the stages my boys are in and all that we get to do and see in Boston!

I have been wanting to mention to you that while I love taking these outfit pictures, please realize that I hardly ever look this put together in real life, especially on days we aren't leaving the house! You probably wouldn't have recognized me if you saw me drop my sister-in-law off at the airport the other morning! Haha!

I hope your Halloween is great and I’ll be back on Wednesday to share the boy’s Halloween costumes!

Linking up with Glass of Glam and Style Assisted
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