The contractions/cramping started getting painful after we ate dinner and while we were FaceTiming our families on Sunday. Finally before getting ready for bed around 10:00pm they were 3-5 minutes apart, so my husband and I started walking up and down the sidewalk to see if they continued. They did and even though I had only been contracting regularly for a couple hours we decided to go to the hospital.
When we got there I was 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. They wanted to make sure I was progressing so they gave us two hours to walk the halls (midnight- 2:00am). They checked me again and nothing had changed! It was so frustrating. They told me to continue laboring at home and I did not like that because I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep. Once I got dressed the doctor came back in and told us that because it wasn't our first baby and that things usually progress faster, that she wasn't comfortable sending us home. Hallelujah! We were given a room and told to rest or walk until 6:00am when she would check again. We both tried to sleep except I didn't sleep much with my contractions getting stronger. Finally when she came to check me I was 5cm and 90% effaced and we were officially admitted!
I got some pain relief through my IV while I waited for my epidural. I had a really good experience with my first epidural and it took maybe 15 minutes to get it. But this time was another story! It took 45+ minutes and they ended up sticking my back with that huge needle THREE times before it got in the right spot! The only good part was that this time my husband was able to stay in the room with me!:)
Around 10:00am I felt like I needed to push so the doctor came and checked and I was at an 8 and said she would check back in a couple hours, well less than 5 minutes later I felt like I needed to push again so she checked again and I was at a 9! She then said that I would probably be ready to push in 15-20 minutes so she left and I still really needed to push. They started setting up everything and after pushing for 30 minutes little baby E was born!
Linking up with Thoughts for Thursday, Thinking out Loud, Penny's Passion
Linking up with Thoughts for Thursday, Thinking out Loud, Penny's Passion
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