
Monday, November 14, 2016

Life Lately with a Newborn and Toddler

Hello everyone!

We are all still alive.....this is just how we feel most of the time!

I had forgotten how tiring this newborn business is and to have a toddler on top of that makes napping during the day almost impossible. BUT we have been very fortunate to have had both of our moms in town to help keep our sanity! My husband is at the tail end of residency interviews and I couldn't be happier! As you know, we tried for Baby E for over a year and so it wasn't really up to us to decide when he would be born. With that being said, he came at the busiest time of my husband's school year and I personally would not be surviving without our family's help.

Lots of people have asked how B is handling being a big brother...most of the time he ignores him, except for when Baby E cries loudly or is getting his diaper changed. Then he'll come up to him and sing him the ABC's. At the beginning B was asking us why Baby E doesn't talk...haha little does he know, he won't be talking for a while! This new addition has also brought some rebellion and trouble listening on B's part, but that was somewhat expected.

Well I'm going to take a nap now, but be on the lookout for pictures from a photo shoot I did with the boys later this week!