
Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekending-Anniversary Style

Happy Monday!

On Friday we celebrated our anniversary by going on a Canal Boat Tour.
The weather was great for the first 30 minutes and then it started raining a lot! Luckily the boat was covered and we were sitting towards the middle of it.
It was still fun despite the weather. Afterwards, we stopped at the school to pick up some stuff my husband needed for the next day and then we got ice cream!

Saturday and Sunday consisted of cleaning, hanging out, going to church, Face Timing our families, reading, installing a storm door to our front door, and taking care of sick Baby B. Hopefully he get over this cough fast! I hate when he gets sick.

I also read this book over the weekend!

If you watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Sean talks about a lot of  the behind the scene stuff that happens on the seasons he was on. I really liked this book. He has very high standards and sticks to them, which is awesome!

Linking up with B loved Boston and Bella and the city

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