
Monday, March 23, 2015

Oh the wonderful things flour and water can do!

Baby B got the book "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?" by Dr. Seuss for Christmas.
We read it multiple times a day. Recently I feel like lots of stuff has come up missing: the TV remote, socks, toys, and most recently, this book! I am a pretty organized person and it is driving me crazy that I cannot find it. We live in a pretty small town home, so its got to be some where! That's how I came up with the title because I have actually missed reading this book:)
Today I'm linking up with Cindy at Skip to my Lou for
I have seen this pin on Pinterest for a few years and it was actually in my Easter board since I first saw it.

 Well, I finally got around to making the string eggs and it was a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be!
Here is a list of things you will need:
-wax paper
-water balloons
-embroidery floss
-4 cups  water
-1 cup flour
-string or yarn

1)In a saucepan, whisk the flour and water together on medium-high heat until all the clumps are gone. Continue stirring until it begins to boil and remove from heat. Let cool.
2)Place wax paper on the surface you are working on and blow up balloons about 2-4 inches-depending on how big you want your eggs.
3)Cut the embroidery floss in to 3-4 foot lengths.
4)Here's the hard part:) With each 3-4 foot piece, there are 6 individual strings, separate that to make two strands. Each containing 3 individual strings. (Some colors were easier to separate, so on some eggs  we ended up not separating the strands. It just used more embroidery floss that way.)
5) Dunk a strand into the water and flour mixture and remove, wiping the excess off. 
6)Wrap around balloon in what ever design you want the egg to have.
7)Tie a piece of yarn/string around end of balloon and hang up to dry.
8)After it is completely dry, pop the balloon. The balloon might not pop if you have too much dried flour-water mixture on it. If this happens you will have to pick each hole with a needle. (Like picture below)
Some of our eggs didn't turn out...right pink one.
But thankfully, most of them did! I love how the yellow and white ones look!
You can put them in a basket, on a wreath, or make a garland! The possibilities are endless!

Happy crafting!

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