Hey friends!
It's that time again for another update on our family of four!
Baby E:
1) Is in the process of getting weaned from breastfeeding. I'm having mixed feeling about it but hopefully it means him sleeping through the night!
2) Got his third haircut last week. If you remember he was born with dark hair and now has the blondest hair possible!
3) Turns one on Tuesday and still has zero teeth!
1) Finds any excuse to not nap or go to bed! haha His most popular excuse is that he's hungry!
2) Can't get enough of watching PJ Masks and his favorite movie is Trolls!
3) Is so helpful with Baby E and loves to try to pick him up!
1) Sleeps whenever he can!
2) Ate one meal with us last week:(
3) Wishes he was home more!
1) Colored someone's hair pink yesterday! It turned out awesome!
2) Love watching the boys play together more and more!
3) Can't wait for Baby E's birthday next week!
Linking up with Thoughts for Thursday, Thinking out Loud, Penny's Passion