This fall has been the first time in four years that we've felt the crisp mornings and warm afternoons. It's been so great! In Virginia we still had our AC going all the time this time of year. We are definitely meant to live somewhere with cooler weather. (I might regret saying that in a couple months!)
This week we headed to a farm for B's first hayride and pumpkin patch experience! It was an hour drive and I thought I would have some quiet time, but B was so excited he didn't stop talking the entire way! Haha I love that kid!:)
ONE // I haven't crafted in so long. I can't even remember the last thing I made. That's all going to change in a couple weeks when I make this with my sister-in-laws! I.can't.wait!!
TWO // I know I keep talking about Primark and I wish they had a website with everything they have in their stores. I went on Saturday and found the best gray sweater! Here's a similar option for those of you looking for one!
THREE // I've never had issues with any of my Shein purchases until recently. I bought this romper to wear over my swimsuit. I got it in the mail and it was tiny! I couldn't even get it past my knees! haha
FOUR // Don't forget to enter the $75 PinkBlush giveaway!
Happy Friday!!
Linking up with.....Friday Favorites, High Five for Friday
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