
Monday, June 15, 2015

What I Wore {7}

Shirt- Thrift store
Pants- Old Navy
Boat Shoes- Roxy and talked about here

You know when you have plans to do things and some of the plans just don't work out? Well that was our weekend. I used to get really annoyed and upset when this would happen, but since being married to the calmest person ever and having a baby I've learned to be more flexible and understanding.

Here's how our weekend went down!
On Friday we were going to go see the Cinderella movie in the cheap theater and the babysitter had something come up, so we hung out at home, ate pizza, and watched TV.
On Saturday we went swimming in the morning, which was so fun! Then we were headed to Costco and Home Depot after Baby B's nap and he threw up in the car! This has become a reoccurring incident with him and we hate it! Usually it happens in the mornings so it's hard to know what is causing it, if it's the flu or just car sickness. Any advice from you mommy's out there??
 Anyways,we pulled into a parking lot. tried to clean him up and drove home without going to the stores. We got the car seat and Baby B cleaned up and just hung out because we all were feeling sick from that lovely smell.
On Sunday, Baby B was acting normal but we still kept him home from church just in case it was a bug. Then FaceTimed our families, cooked ribs for the first time (they turned out great!), and went on a walk.

How was your weekend? Have you cooked ribs before? What spices or sauce did you cook them in?

Happy Monday!

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