
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Baby food pancakes

My mother-in-law sent me this pin on Pinterest for baby food pancakes.

My little one is starting to transition to all real food. Of course, we have lots of leftover cereals and jarred food that need to be used. He also loves to feed himself and these are perfect to cut in strips and let him go to town!
Baby B loves these pancakes and eats them almost daily! I don't think they taste very good....but he doesn't need to know that!

Here is my version of the recipe:

1 egg
1 cup flour
3/4 cup baby cereal-I have used multigrain and oatmeal
1 tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon 
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 cup baby food-I've used sweet potato, applesauce, and other mixed fruit jars
Add water until you reach desired consistency.
