As you all know we just recently returned from flying across the country for the holidays. All of the flights went really well, especially considering the fact that it was just Baby B and I on the way out there.
I was really nervous to fly by myself with him, but now that it's over with I feel more confident in doing it again. (Which I will be doing in a few months for my brothers wedding!)
I just wanted to share the things I did and hopefully it will help you next time you have to fly with your kids!
-Use a stroller. It makes getting to your different gates so much easier and faster. You can also hang smaller bags on the stroller so you can carry less.
-Brings things that will entertain them. We flew with United this last time and if you have their app on your device, they have free movies to watch. It's great! Baby B used the iPad for the majority of our flights. We also brought stickers and books to help switch things up.
- Bring nap time essentials. If you know it will be nap time during the flight bring their blanket, binky, or whatever they need to fall asleep.
-Walk around before and in between flights and board the plane last. Walking around and boarding last helped get wiggles out.
Do you have any tips and tricks for traveling with your kids?
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