
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Essentials for Mom & Newborn

While in the hospital after having Baby E, I was talking to the nurse and she made the comment that the first six weeks after having a baby are called "six weeks of darkness." At the time I had forgotten how life was with a newborn so I was surprised by that , BUT within that first week I remembered how hard and exhausting those first weeks are!

Now that we are officially out of those "six weeks of darkness" I thought I would make a list of things that helped us and made life easier with a newborn.

Swaddle Blankets: Most newborns love to be swaddled and these are my favorite brand!

Whale Tub: Baby E cries a lot and something that calms him down is a nice, warm bath. This tub is amazing for newborns because it holds their little bodies so nicely. I also felt like I had more control where his body was while he was in it.

Baby Gowns: These gowns are great for late night diaper changes. You don't have to snap any snaps on clothes! If your newborn has to have a BiliBlanket for jaundice, then these work wonders! Baby E had to be on the blanket for five days and he lived in these gowns!

Vaseline: If you have a boy and they get circumcised then you will use this a lot the first week or longer! 

Fingernail Clippers: I always get nervous to clip baby's fingernails, but it's something that has to be done and they always come out with long nails!

Leggings/Comfortable clothes: These are a must in my book! If you wear pajama-like clothes then you are probably more likely to take it easy and rest.

Loose Shirts: These get their own spot because you will want to be in loose shirts as you get the hang of nursing!

Nursing Bras: This time around I went to Destination Maternity and got fitted for nursing bras. I'm so glad I did because they fit so well and have stayed in great shape! I have this one and this one. I also have a couple for sleeping that I got at Walmart.

Nursing Pads: I wear these the whole time I am nursing because I don't want to have to worry about milk leaking through to my shirt.

Tucks: You will need these!! Especially if you have gotten any stitches down there.

Quick snacks/Breakfasts: With Baby E having jaundice we had doctor appointments for five mornings in a row for blood tests. They were early appointments and we never seemed to have time for breakfast, so having items on hand made it easy to eat on the go! I made muffins and froze them.

Sunshine: Going on walks or stepping outside made a huge difference in how I felt!

I'm probably missing a few things, so let me know in the comments if there's something you couldn't live without those first few weeks!

*Pin the image above if you know someone that would benefit from these tips!

Linking up with Thoughts for ThursdayThinking out LoudPenny's Passion

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