Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How I Really Feel About Moving to Boston

If you know me and my husband then you know that we like wide open spaces, no traffic, no crowds...you get the idea. Ever since we found out we're moving to a big city (Boston), I've had an internal struggle of wanting to feel happy and excited but at the same time knowing that this upcoming change may at times be difficult.

Any move is hard and brings changes. I have a really hard time with change. I hate feeling uncomfortable (duh) and unfamiliar with a situation. I also didn't realize how much I wanted to live closer to my family until that week we found out we were going to Boston and it's even further away than Virginia! 

  But with that being said, I know that faith and fear cannot exist at the same time. I need to choose to have more faith because I know that we are being put into this city and situation for a reason and we can and WILL get through it!

(Found Here)

Thanks for listening to my ramblings:)

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